Thursday, September 07, 2006

see fahve

Woohoo C5 is here! Some pretty cool stuff, the "improved solo'ing" mods are kinda neat. Now that I've subclassed archer, I really appreciate the instant mp restore powerups, I read about these and the HP restores but I didn't know that they also had some that buff you as well, the only teaser about them is that the buffing herbs only last two minutes [just like songs/dances]. Overall, still pretty nice and even nicer when you have your buffbot in tow anyway.

I've been exploring Schuttgart mostly (woohoo some new mobs!)until a friend asked me to go with him to farm some of the new spellbooks in the Frozen Labyrinth...Last night was THE night to sell books apparently since the mana burn/erase/magical backfire books were asking anywhere from 1-5m on Bartz (omg!).

On the downside, I made a character on Franz also figuring it would be really cool to relive the game fromm the beginning. I don't mean like a reroll on the existing server, but a reroll while everyone else was rerolling so you could explore all the newbie areas again with actual people instead of just bots.

Sadly, the starter areas were like 80% bots...I could not even find a gremlin to kill to finish the newbie quest to get the free NG-SS. horrible. I'm afraid Franz is DOA. Maybe next time, NC.

In other more personal news, I think my current clan may be disbanding soon. Our leader has pretty much checked out of the game, he's been dealing with alot of real life issues lately and I think he may sink the ship with him. It's a shame to watch a good person deteriorate over time like this. He's been one of the most giving, motivating and responsible people I've met in the game. But over the last few months it's been nothing but moodiness, and now he's kind of abandoning. He simply does not care about anyone else at the moment. The worst part is that alot of clanmembers have entrusted items in the clan warehouse as well as on his person, which I think we may end up losing at this point.

Popular opinion dictates that reputation in the game is pretty important, so at this point he could be remembered for doing the right thing and transferring leadership so at least people can get things done, or he can be remembered as the person who has forsaken his entire clan. His window is getting pretty short to make a decision, here's to hoping he can see past the fog that is clouding his eyes at the moment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your blog has made me want to try L2 again since its original launch. Falling through the map and korean pkers at soda drove me out at the start.

Things seem pretty cool but Ive recently shut off L2 again due to the grind is so so long ...FFXI online has killed my desire to grind so hard for so little xp and cash...i just cant do it.

L2 is a great game and I dont mean to put it down but that grind is so awfull...what did you do to get past that drawback? I just couldnt get into it at all. The zones mobs classes are wonderfull..but the progress speed is rediculous.

bah for now ill have to settle in at the paradise priv server for fast leveling with my sched.....and I can see way more stuff now than on official.

But official is way better in every department but the progress.

how you do it evades me =\ i mean with a wife and job....sheesh...i want to log in official again but I spent hours at Forest of Mirrors just to hit 41..literally hours on my BD. =(

3:58 PM  
Blogger Aleena said...

Thanks for the kind feedback about the blog.

For the most part, I have to say that your impression of the game and the grind are still pretty accurate even to this day. Its still painfully mind-numbing at times.

What makes it go faster? Making friends I think. If you have a good group of regulars that you can hang out with and grind with then it's not as big a deal.

Also, it helps to have goals. There was a period around my late 60s and early 70s where I was just bored. But then I had the Dance of Vampire to look forward to and the drove me a little further, and then when I got the dance the grind was more fun with the double-VR, so at 74 I had 75 to look forward to and the subclassing as well as my third class chnage at 76.

At that point also since I was looking forward to those large character events I started doing some of the quests associated with them, some grindy, some just alot of running around...but in either case it broke up just sitting in the catacombs and grinding 2 or 3 rooms.

So, in short- there are definite points in Aleena's "career" that were horribly and painfully repetative and boring. Overall though, if you have some kind of endgame and good people to hang with its worth it.

I'm kind of in the same situation as you...wife and job...If we had kids, I'm not sure I would be subclass and a spectral dancer for a while still :)

However, even level 76/53 has taken me almost a year...a little over 10 months to be accurate.

Best of luck in whatever you decide!

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am too lazy to log in to leave a comment, so here goes with the anonymous.(Varuga, blast from the past)

Well, sorry to hear things not going well with the ol'clan...maybe the Aleena/Myst/Purns/Forelorn/Varuga reunion tour can happen someday after all :P

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(1st commenter)
Yah I dont usually praise anyone or anything (but the wife). Just you do make an interesting read.

Im actually very lucky today. I am on Archlord Beta now. I am going home to try that puppy out^^

L2 is cool sure am not promoting other games here just conversating with yah^^

But reading your adventures is cool so keep them going^^

The next L2 is 9dragons I figure since im a martial arts buff...i might be able to put up with a grind for some kung fu action.

keep your blogs comming.. I look forward to more.

6:37 PM  

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