Baium Camping!
Soo...based on mixed reports I was forced to start camping on Baium at 1:30 AM my time. For anyone who hasn't researches subclassing yet, the last part of the quest requires you to stab Baium once with a special quest item to collect his blood and then bsoe. There's a few challenges to this-

This is a pretty expensive quest to do also, since afterwards you also have to submit a top b grade weapon and 945 B crystals which end up getting melted down. In exchange for this you get a mid-low a grade weapon [I traded in a sls*sls]. On Bartz this ends up costing about 43M adena. But you can get it back pretty easy though by just reselling your new a grade weapon.
- Baium only first respawns five days after his last death. And from those five days he will respawn within 1-8 hours of his last death. So, you have to know his last time of death.
- If by some freak chance you are the only one in Baium's chamber and NO ONE comes in [ha, ha] you or someone else will have to wake Baium. There is a good chance that Baium will automatically kill whoever wakes him. There are some people that have been able to wake him and not die, however if you've already gone through the trouble of getting the bloody fabric and camped him out and researched his spawn time, are you willing to take that chance that you'll wake him and not be able to finish your quest? Doubtful.
- once someone starts attacking Baium no one else can port into the chamber where he is. Unlike with the otehr raid bosses, you can just show up at any time as long as you are there when they die. Not true with Baium. Once he gets attacked, the port to Baium closes. byebye, see you in 5 days.

This is a pretty expensive quest to do also, since afterwards you also have to submit a top b grade weapon and 945 B crystals which end up getting melted down. In exchange for this you get a mid-low a grade weapon [I traded in a sls*sls]. On Bartz this ends up costing about 43M adena. But you can get it back pretty easy though by just reselling your new a grade weapon.
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