Level 75!!
After two weeks of being at level 74, I have finally made it to the big 75! I know it's not really that big a deal anymore since 78 is the new 75 and that 80 will be the new 78 soon, but hey- I can subclass now!! woohoo! Time to start the most painful quest in the game!
I started by waiting about six hours for cabrio, and cabrio did finally show up- so one raid boss down and 4 to go!! I've heard nightmares about people waiting as much as a month for Baium because they keep missing his spawn, I hope that I will be lucky enough to get him in a week or two [since he only spawns every 5 days once he's killed]
I'd like to thank all of my clanmates from the Final Heroes for helping me as well as all of my alliance friends in FCA, and lastly I'd especially like to extend a thanks to Marthax, and old friend for also mobilizing his clan, who had no vested interest at all in this raid, at a moment's notice to help me to kill Cabrio and start my subclass quests!
Anyway, I will be leaving for a short vacation so not too many posts for a bit, but I will be back to grind my subclass and spectral dancer class change like a demon when I return!! Good luck and good drops to all in the meantime!!
I started by waiting about six hours for cabrio, and cabrio did finally show up- so one raid boss down and 4 to go!! I've heard nightmares about people waiting as much as a month for Baium because they keep missing his spawn, I hope that I will be lucky enough to get him in a week or two [since he only spawns every 5 days once he's killed]
I'd like to thank all of my clanmates from the Final Heroes for helping me as well as all of my alliance friends in FCA, and lastly I'd especially like to extend a thanks to Marthax, and old friend for also mobilizing his clan, who had no vested interest at all in this raid, at a moment's notice to help me to kill Cabrio and start my subclass quests!
Anyway, I will be leaving for a short vacation so not too many posts for a bit, but I will be back to grind my subclass and spectral dancer class change like a demon when I return!! Good luck and good drops to all in the meantime!!

Nice L2 blog.
I'm trying to get the DC bottom. x_x
I got the top from ToI. I was pretty lucky that day. =]
Good luck with leveling and stuff! :3
Well aleena, after 2 days of trying to decide i finally went ahead and TRIED to +6 my keshes..but that was not successful :( O well, we all cant be as lucky as others. On the good side, i happened to find some +0 keshes for 72 mil(nice deal huh)I enchanted to 3 and prayed to the Gods of weapon enchants and crossed my fingers..TADAAAAA "your +3 keshes have been successfully enchanted!" In all I spent about 96mil with ewa at 8mil(only bought 3..had one in WH). Now I'm worst then when i started lol. I'm back to +4 and broke as hell. All that crafting money GONE. But like i said..u inspire me to the point where i just cannot and will not stop. Strollin through Giran one day and saw +10 ts*sls being sold for 180mil..heh heh heh! So u know i quickly PMed that seller for a deal. To sum it all up, after about 1 hour of negotiating and constant pursuation..I now have +10 TSU*SLS :) My glow is similar to yours but not as dark of course. With +5 dex -2str -3con tats..i am a Crittin machine!! Well i guess its time to go grind and make some of that money back.
O yea..i play on Devianne server!
I Found U :)
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