Thursday, June 29, 2006

Level 74 And another drop!!!

Wow, a serious benchmark for me has been reached. Level 74. Why such a big deal, DANCE OF THE VAMPIRE! W00T! sweeter than candy.

And, to celebrate- I don't know what it is, but every time I've gotten an armor drop I have been with DeadlyWolf. Our first was an Avadon BP in Witches, then DC Gaiters in Disciples, on Sunday we got our best yet of a Dark Crystal Robe, and today just as I'm about to soe out to get my new skills we kill one or two last mobs and we get Tallum Plate!!

And lastly, as you can see we have joined a new alliance. We're now part of FCA!

All in all, a very profitable and fun week!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Another DC Drop!

Wow, second Dark Crystal drop in a week. I was duoing with a TH and his OOP SE in Forbidden Path the other day and we got a Sealed DC Robe drop, undersold it at 38m just to move it fast and it sold in under 2 hours. So for a 2 way split it was an excellent drop!

I decided to celebrate by spending my share on a scroll of EW-A and OE'ing my soul bow, so here's my fully buffed stats on a +4 Soul Bow, and the INSANE crits on some level 78 mobs in Imperial Tomb/4 Sepulchers. Not bad for a BD/toon with no bow masteries.

Pretty ridiculous imo.

I also recently have submitted another quest guide to stratics, so if you're level 65+ and solo/grind at the beast farm often make sure you get this quest. You can choose from a set of rewards of mats, one of which is 10 enria, which at current market value on Bartz comes out to between 500k-600k.

Quest Guide: Delicious Top Choice Meat

Monday, June 19, 2006

A drop, I drop, and more wacky textures!

W00t! I made level 73recently, and around the same time our party got a DC Gaiters drop in Disciples! I celebrated by immediately dying and delevelling [thank goodness for brez].

And, more wacky texture things! Even though NC has never implemented underwear on NA servers, it appears that if you stand the right way and have the right hing blocking you, certain articles of clothing become transparent.

This is my light elf at the track, standing near a fence. I did a change view, and got this-

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Some more screenies :D

Here's just some fun screenshots over the past few weeks including recognition from a reader [woohoo! I'm not the only one that reads my blog!]

This is just a really FREAKY screenshot in hv when I was standing behind the gatekeeper. Apparently she has two faces and one's behind her head peeking out the window behind turbanthing.

This was just a fun "three monkeys" type of pic. Click to enlarge =D

Woohoo! Another reader of blog other than the bot/farmer that decided to use my comment field in one of my posts as a place to advertise adena sales [darn you, LoL!!]

Just call me crafty!

Man...% crafts just SUCK. I know it's great to have the quests at dev castle and fg to get the a grade jewel and shield recs and mats from, but they're still 60% or 70%. I had to attempt to craft the majestic set 9 times before I finally finished it. I managed to craft one ring, failed the next 4 in a row. I was pretty I completely stopped crafting again until I got all 4 complete recipes and mats to craft them all at once [I figure it's less likely that all 4 will fail if I craft them back to back rather then one every now and then]. So go figure, when I tried to craft all 4 at once, all 4 worked. So I'm 5/9 on maj jewel craft which is listed as 70%, and i'm about 55% on them.

So, at level 71/72 I finally got all my a grade jewels woohoo!

Also, while hunting at the beast farm a week or two back I managed to get a drop for a dragon grinder rec! I never see mats for this thing, but I kept it in my warehouse just in case. One day in Giran I see a farmer dwarf selling edges for 100k each so I bought 14 of em and went for it, and it actually worked! So encouraged by this I also crafted a set of maj plate [a set of dress armor]. w00t!

Wow, Swordsingers are so cool

Wow, the SWS is such a great add to a party, small or large. I love using the tsu*sls over any other set of duals, even a grade in pve because crits are just awesome. The best consecutive run I've ever had with crits before the other day was 7 in a row. A few nights ago with SE buffs, SWS song, and tsu*sls I managed to score 9 crits in a row. Just insanity!!!

Which I suppose, makes me 1337!

Woohoo! Aleena's famous! [kind of]

I wrote up a few little quest guides for some of the more minor quests in the game, just to support Stratics and their excellent quest database. So, as an added perk Aleena now has her 15 minutes of L2 fame in a way, w00t!

Go to the Pastureland-

Bring Up With Love-