For Elune...
[Written in the spirit of The Eternal Champion/Elric/Corum]
Grey wisplike forms gathered and dispersed in the distance, their ethereal forms beckoning at times and retreating at others. "How long have I been here?", she asked herself knowing there would be no reply. She willed her senses to comprehend her surroundings, realizing that her corporeal form was no more. She became unaware of the passage of time, the physicality of anything, even of what or where she was.
"She" existed as a thought, or a grouping of thoughts, a disconnected consciousness flowing aimlessly in this abandoned space for a milennia or a minute, it was unclear as time felt unfathomably nonlinear, but considering this existance that might be normal here. The catatonic state of being was calming, womblike, and insulating. "She" was content.
Periodically in this idyllic existance she felt pulses, or fluctuations in her being, which passed quickly but often brought with them sensations of another awareness. They would pass over her such as an arc of light would brightly illuminate an area and command all attention and then be gone to be forgotten moments later. Until this time.

The light and pulse grew stronger, brighter, and did not end. The light brought emotions and sensations, pain, fear, defiance, helplessness. As the light reached its pinnacle of brightness, searing its message into her essence, she remembered.
She watched a small line trailing in the distance, she watched it so far that her vision blurred trying to see the end of its trail. It grew in size and thickness, it spead wider and longer along the trail, its crimson path seemed to never end. Screaming and writhing in pain, Aleena lay on the field of battle watching her blood spread across the ground impaled on the blade of Sjipzor, herald and templar of Eva. A knight of the faction Nova, the light. Good and compassionate Sjipzor would end Aleena's life quickly and mercifully.
It was how she died, how she knew a brief moment of peace in her tortured existance. "Why have my memories returned?", she felt the thought, and she felt her skin and realized that she must once again have returned to the mortal realm.
She felt the fear grip her again, shaking, sweating, and sick with the omen of rebirth. Slowly a vision presented itself in her narcosis-like state, a second consciousness entered her mind. It conveyed only a brief thought "My daughter, the fight continues. I know you are weary, but I will command you to service once more. You will leave this realm. You have not always been Aleena, as I have not always been Shilen. In the multiverse, I am sometimes known as Elune."
She opened her eyes for the first time, felt the cold cobblestone and grass beneath her body. A tear began to form and slowly ran down her cheek. She stood slowly, shakily, and off balance. "For Elune...", she whispered under her breath and steadied herself and exited the grove in Teldrassil.
[playing wow for the first time ever...should be able to hold me over until Aion imo]
Grey wisplike forms gathered and dispersed in the distance, their ethereal forms beckoning at times and retreating at others. "How long have I been here?", she asked herself knowing there would be no reply. She willed her senses to comprehend her surroundings, realizing that her corporeal form was no more. She became unaware of the passage of time, the physicality of anything, even of what or where she was.
"She" existed as a thought, or a grouping of thoughts, a disconnected consciousness flowing aimlessly in this abandoned space for a milennia or a minute, it was unclear as time felt unfathomably nonlinear, but considering this existance that might be normal here. The catatonic state of being was calming, womblike, and insulating. "She" was content.
Periodically in this idyllic existance she felt pulses, or fluctuations in her being, which passed quickly but often brought with them sensations of another awareness. They would pass over her such as an arc of light would brightly illuminate an area and command all attention and then be gone to be forgotten moments later. Until this time.

The light and pulse grew stronger, brighter, and did not end. The light brought emotions and sensations, pain, fear, defiance, helplessness. As the light reached its pinnacle of brightness, searing its message into her essence, she remembered.
She watched a small line trailing in the distance, she watched it so far that her vision blurred trying to see the end of its trail. It grew in size and thickness, it spead wider and longer along the trail, its crimson path seemed to never end. Screaming and writhing in pain, Aleena lay on the field of battle watching her blood spread across the ground impaled on the blade of Sjipzor, herald and templar of Eva. A knight of the faction Nova, the light. Good and compassionate Sjipzor would end Aleena's life quickly and mercifully.
It was how she died, how she knew a brief moment of peace in her tortured existance. "Why have my memories returned?", she felt the thought, and she felt her skin and realized that she must once again have returned to the mortal realm.
She felt the fear grip her again, shaking, sweating, and sick with the omen of rebirth. Slowly a vision presented itself in her narcosis-like state, a second consciousness entered her mind. It conveyed only a brief thought "My daughter, the fight continues. I know you are weary, but I will command you to service once more. You will leave this realm. You have not always been Aleena, as I have not always been Shilen. In the multiverse, I am sometimes known as Elune."
She opened her eyes for the first time, felt the cold cobblestone and grass beneath her body. A tear began to form and slowly ran down her cheek. She stood slowly, shakily, and off balance. "For Elune...", she whispered under her breath and steadied herself and exited the grove in Teldrassil.
[playing wow for the first time ever...should be able to hold me over until Aion imo]
OMG lol you're playing WoW too? So am I!
Where are you playing aleena? If your not with friends you should come play with me on the whisperwind server with my guild!!
(good story btw, liked it, thank god you updated hehe was getting worried)
gz, its taken u a while eh, stuck with L2 for so long, i respect that, i played L2 since OB till late C1, early C2, kept going back but i just couldnt get my head around Seven Signs :P
anyway, yeah hope u enjoy WoW, i have felt for the 2-3 years ive been playing it ( since leaving L2 ) that its just so consuming, unlike L2 where u need a group to do anything and there is alot of downtime, there is always something to do solo on WoW, its become more and more geared towards the casual gamer ( some ppl dont like it, most do ) pvp etc..well.. carebear pvp :P wow will never be as ruthless as L2 was for pvp but anyway..
yeah WoW is a solid game, and there is always something to do at any time day or night, quests to do, cross-realm battlegrounds to pvp in, world pvp ( dead.. ), reputation to farm, Roleplaying in capital cities :P j/k
yeah, anyway just enjoy it and have fun, cant wait for Aion too! been following it for a long long time.. gutted ill need to upgrade my system to play it tho.. crytec engine for an mmo ftw.
well, gl and have fun,
followed your blog for a long time and have always enjoyed it,
Munzu ( imba oldschool EE :P )
you so changed that from what you wrote on the forums a while ago. We were talking on vent about how we need you to make those funky calendars!
Hello aleena,
I found ur blogs trough google when I was looking up some quest info I needed. I must say it was REALLY entertaining to go trough all your blogs starting from march ' 06 till now. Awesome to see all your enchants, crafts, good times and unfortunately, bad times. First time I see what an end-game player experiences on retail servers. I hope I get there too someday, I just started out on the newest server , Luna, after 3 years of private servers. I guess I found your blogs to late cause you recently quit the game unfortunately. But anyways, good luck with whatever you 're doing, in-game and in real life.
From us commoners on Bartz who looked up to you (and still do) and hoped to be an L2 icon like you one day (and still do):
"ACK! What is this WOW gibberish!"
However, I do say, it is creative! Must be on a WOW roleplaying server! GL to you and I hope you continue to update your blog, especially if you do play AION.
MMOs are addictive, eh?
goog, hellp form lineage russia
Awesome blog Aleena, we had some good times in l2 and maybe i'll see you in Aion :D
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