Yay more headgear!
More fashion accessories, at least overseas, here's some stuff copied over on blah on what we may be seeing over the next year or next installment, or next whatever:

Lineage SEA is having a double xp/sp/drop event starting at the end of the month according to Stratics, an even we probably won't have here. We probably don't need such an event across the board but like a double XP event for everyone that's like 78+ would be nice...god knows in the time it took me to get 10% on my 79 BD I subbed a warlock to 63, got an SE to 48, and a Kamael to 58...how does that make ANY sesne? Way to kill the game off at the high end...I know at least 3 people that just quit after they hit 80...I'm only at 79 and I REALLY have no desire to xp on that class anymore it's just stupid...and they somehow expect people to be motivated to get to 85?
I suppose if we all sat at home ALL DAY and didn't have jobs and social lives then maybe reaching level 85 would almost be a reasonable expectation.

Lineage SEA is having a double xp/sp/drop event starting at the end of the month according to Stratics, an even we probably won't have here. We probably don't need such an event across the board but like a double XP event for everyone that's like 78+ would be nice...god knows in the time it took me to get 10% on my 79 BD I subbed a warlock to 63, got an SE to 48, and a Kamael to 58...how does that make ANY sesne? Way to kill the game off at the high end...I know at least 3 people that just quit after they hit 80...I'm only at 79 and I REALLY have no desire to xp on that class anymore it's just stupid...and they somehow expect people to be motivated to get to 85?
I suppose if we all sat at home ALL DAY and didn't have jobs and social lives then maybe reaching level 85 would almost be a reasonable expectation.
um, frogs, whales, pikachus???
Instead of making whales/frogs headsets they should better rethink the game a bit.
There is nothing better then a feathered hat on my char.
And I agree with you that the grind pisses people off in the long run. I kinda put 78 as goal for my Saggi, and then I won't care anymore as long as I don't delvl. The xp grind is just too much after that.
From what I understand of it Korea is kinda hardcore about mmo's so 85 is probably more for them but 79 is stll very impressive =D
I envy L2 NA/Euro...
The way the handle it here, the game's gonna go bust before it reaches its second year. If you've read the article of SEA server all gearing up for a "crusade" against RMT and botting, it's all frap. The official time card seller is heavily involved in RMT, the GMs zzz at 12am, and no report has ever been taken seriously. You see the same old player bots moving around no matter how many petitions are filed. The GMs hardly know what is being stated in the EULA, let alone being able to enforce it. I mean, 1 day ban for botting? At least when the people who handle it there says the truth when they say people are getting banned etc. Here farmers make up stories so their "pals" won't be criticized as much. GMs even shut people up for petitioning too much.
Thanks for providing a spot to rant... sorry by the way.
Yours truly,
Sad L2 player in SEA.
Cya in AION
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