Random thought 1:
So...I've been playing a Kamael lately, and being the eyecandy whore that I am I've tried on as many sets of light armor as I could get my hands on. One thing in general that I've noticed is that NCSoft definitely seems to have spent more time on the details and finer points of Kamael anatomy and armor. They armor does seem slighly more thought out, and the Kamaels actually have distinct fingers as opposed to a trapezoidal blobs at the end of their arms with lines delineating where fingers would begin/end. However, the price for these higher quality models and detailed armor textures appears to be that half of the armor textures are duplicated!
What do I mean by that? The next time you have a access to a female kamael and several sets of armor, try on doom light and blue wolf light. They're the same texture...My doom light has a small blue wolf on it...It's not like a small hangtag or garment tag inside the collar that says "Doom Light, Size 4, by the Blue Wolf Armor Company" or anything like that, it's a blue wolf logo right smack in the center of the bodice. The same follows for Zubei light and DC Light, for Zubei it looks fine and appears to fit within the rest of the whimsical Zubei family of fabrics...Now put on a set of DC light and it's the same thing, as I said erlier- there's nothing Dark or Crystalline about it. Lastly, Majestic and Nightmare light also have the same texture. The Majestic set of fabrics and patterns looks great on a kamael female, and apparently the people at Nightmare designs agree since they've duped the entire look. Gone are the deep reds and maroons with ivory and bronze accents that are characteristic of a Nightmare set, all replaced by Majestic textures.
Random thought 2:
Recently on Bartz some characters and alliances have come under criticism and scrutiny for the use/recruitment of botted up noblesse characters. In the beginning, I joined in with the general concensus of my clan in disagreeing with the recruitment and tolerance of such characters. However, more recently I have begun to question my reason for my stance on this issue. In the past, if it was someone who just bought a farmed account and never learned how to play their character, then I think this line of thought would make sense. However, if it is a "botted up" or "powereleveled" character from another server, and that person was for all intents and purposes a legit player that levelled their character on their own and learned how to play their class well, shouldn't we still extend to them that same measure of respect that they already earned on their home server? When, and if, server transfers come to pass surely this is how we would/should treat them...If anything I would say they are just currently being constrained by the limitations within the current database design at NCSoft. And also, if we are going to criticize people for powerlevelling, then to be honest few clans can claim total legitimacy. There are many top clans where powerlevelling is the norm, less so in CT1 than before, but who in a top clan can honestly say that NO ONE has say afk in a poleparty just getting levelled while others box toons and do the work? I guess that's probably an unpopular opinion but you know, real life isn't all black and white like some people in the game like to see it. What are we really upset about here? That someone from another server has enough money to drop on a game that they can afford to have parity on other servers by just paying a service? If they have the skills to back it up and they earned it the first time around, then I'm not sure if I really have a problem with that. That's like someone working their way up to CEO from being a mailroom clerk, moving to a new firm and starting back in the mailroom. The guy has earned his chops, extend him some goodwill or at least the benefit of the doubt. I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but that's okay...it's how I feel about the topic today.
Random thought 3:
Speaking about today! (or yesterday) Hindemith managed to almost sweep Olympiad with 29 heroes this month, wow can you imagine how boring that server must be? No wonder why NCSoft is working so hard on server transfers...And they say Bartz is one sided...geez.
Random "cool item" note:
Have you guys seen the new auction system in the game yet? It's been selling some really weird stuff, like the other day there was a +15 NG weapon sold from Rune Auctioneer on Bartz (thats right, +15 NG...what a tease, no way to even try to make it red).

Some of the other cool things it sold were some hair accessories. Such as, a permanent version of the Iron Circlet seen in the philosopher stone event which passed, and also a new accessory- The Dapper Hat which was won by Katts on the Bartz Server, so far the only one of its kind on Bartz afaik.
I haven't been able to catch up with Katts to see him model it yet, but here's a picture of it on an orc that I was able to dig up.
PS- Happy New Year, Cownose, Kukish, Lord Chaos, Deadcandance, Nectaria and anyone else I missed!