Thursday, November 29, 2007

I'm back

So...stuff is kind of getting back to normal now, although I suppose nothing ever will be normal again...honestly not a day goes by that I don't think about my sister in law now. Anyway, everyone in my household has returned to work so I suppose just little things like that to distract us will help us get our lives back in line or as close to it as we can get.

Part of that in addition to returning to work is getting back to the L2 routine. I made an SE, he finally graduated, woohoo!

KillerAngel had some fun with the letter event in our clanhall-

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Lastly, I was lucky enough to have one of my quest guides published by Stratics before I had to take my sudden leave of L2 for abit:
Although, I typo'ed one thing in the quest reward description, it's actually an Enchant Armor D, not Enchant Armor A that is the reward (oops!!!)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Aleena has left the building.

My posts have been non-existant lately, and for anyone who reads this on a regular basis I appologize for not posting random happenings in Aleena's small corner of Aden and Elmore more frequently. However, I have not been playing much recently and so have not had much to post. I have been a bit preoccupied lately, once again the dreaded mmo known as RL has managed to usurp my time and demand a larger allocation of it, so my virtual life must relinquish this resource.

Earlier this year my father was diagnosed with lung cancer, from time to time there are complications that I must assist him and my family with related to his compromised lung capacity and radiation therapy that he had back at the beginning of this year. Recently he had an inflammation of his lung and heart (pneumonitis and periacarditis), which greatly hindered his ability to breathe and carry about his day to day activities so I took a small break to visit and stay with him in the hospital as he recovered.

Shortly after this, my sister in law passed away suddenly from a pulmonary embolism. So once my father recovered I was immediately thrown into the affairs of my wife's family. This has been an exceptionally difficult month. I don't know why I choose to vocalize this through this medium at this time...maybe just to set everyone's expectations that maybe you may not see any new posts here for a bit.

Thanks everyone for visiting, I will be back when I can.