M O O P ! ! ! !
The war with DomiNovaRaged continues!
I have a clanmate called Tonester, he's one of our resident Spartans (i.e. "crazy Greek"). He's always pulling people's chains and instigating and he gives me crap all the time about my uber-low pvp score. It's all in fun and he doesn't say any of it maliciously, if you know him or heard him on vent it's completely innocuous and just funny like 90% of the time.
Mr. Tone-star is also one of the heroes that likes to try to call the warring parties out to fight whenever he can...and in an effort to try and goad them on, he plants himself in front of their clanhall.

I've kind of for the most part been enjoying this war with DomiNovaRaged, because Nova so far tends to fight with very little trashtalking. They put up a good fight and they take their wins and losses with dignity (I speak in general terms, there are always going to be a few people who just love to talk shit no matter what). At least that's my opinion, and...apparently they're comedians ><

Even though I don't participate in many of the fights (because I'm just plain BAD at PvP so I don't want to take the place of a better archer or BD in alot of the fights if I don't have to...), I always download the fraps (alot of them get posted only on our internal forums unfortunately) or hear about them in vent/hero chat.
Anyhow...that's all for now, new event starting today! woohoo!! More accessories/headgear! It's so lame that they're all like "shadow hats" and stuff...that kinda sucks... but I suppose that'll have to hold us over until CT1!
I have a clanmate called Tonester, he's one of our resident Spartans (i.e. "crazy Greek"). He's always pulling people's chains and instigating and he gives me crap all the time about my uber-low pvp score. It's all in fun and he doesn't say any of it maliciously, if you know him or heard him on vent it's completely innocuous and just funny like 90% of the time.
Mr. Tone-star is also one of the heroes that likes to try to call the warring parties out to fight whenever he can...and in an effort to try and goad them on, he plants himself in front of their clanhall.

I've kind of for the most part been enjoying this war with DomiNovaRaged, because Nova so far tends to fight with very little trashtalking. They put up a good fight and they take their wins and losses with dignity (I speak in general terms, there are always going to be a few people who just love to talk shit no matter what). At least that's my opinion, and...apparently they're comedians ><

Even though I don't participate in many of the fights (because I'm just plain BAD at PvP so I don't want to take the place of a better archer or BD in alot of the fights if I don't have to...), I always download the fraps (alot of them get posted only on our internal forums unfortunately) or hear about them in vent/hero chat.
Anyhow...that's all for now, new event starting today! woohoo!! More accessories/headgear! It's so lame that they're all like "shadow hats" and stuff...that kinda sucks... but I suppose that'll have to hold us over until CT1!