Thursday, June 21, 2007


As stated in the previous post, I knew there was really no way that I could stay away from L2 for that long and it turned out that my short hiatus was REALLY short. I just needed a small break to kind of recharge and recover since I had a little bit of l2 burnout at the time. Anyway, the time was really helpful as I've been able to put L2 back into its proper place in my life and not allow it to completely consume everything!! I feel bad though because I really would like to put in more time as I feel that I really owe my clan/ guild/ alliance a great deal that I probably will never be able to repay. Many before have said similar things, and it's even beginning to sound cliche, but I'll say it again- that at this point in the game it's not as much about the content as it is about the people you spend your time with in the game that make it worth playing. Nothing makes this point more poignant than the passing of Mong (Ryan). Those of you that knew him already are aware of this, those of you who don't should know that this particular individual had a significant impact on the Bartz server as well as the gaming community in general, so much that even though he hadn't played L2 in almost a year his death has brought back a tremendous amount of community support and sympathy for his family and friends. Details, for those who are interested, can be found on l2blah.

Anyway, I came back and noticed that one of my quest guides was published on Stratics! Woohoo!! read more here.

I also occasionally wander around some of the overseas sites for L2, especially now with Chaotic Throne coming soon there's alot of interest around the Kamael. On the main Korean Lineage 2 Kamael preview site there's a few snippets of what appears to be either live gameplay or possibly modeling application video of them in action.

...What else...some misc OT stuff: Some of you may know that I'm in New York. One of the great things about NYC is that it's such a foodie's city. We have the offices of the Food Network right in Chelsea Market, and they used to film Emeril over on like 10th avenue. Sarah Moulton can be seen doing occasional signings and appearances at local venues here and in New Jersey. So why the post? This random musing brought to you by Harold Dieterle, the winnner of Top Chef. Earlier this year his restaurant, Perilla, opened downtown and I am lucky enough to be meeting some friends there for dinner...I'm really looking forward to it. Also, if that doesn't work out, it's walking distance from Mario Batali's restaurant, Babbo (Kate Hudson eats there on occasion).

And lastly, finally went to test drive the BMW 3 series convertible. I seem to have gone at just the wrong time, BMW is no longer manufacturing '07 models at this point, so getting a date for European Delivery is going to be very difficult if at all possible. However, if I wait until mid-august the local dealers should have dates and pricing for the '08 production cycle. So, I am still working on my last craft and hopefully will see this message soon:

You have earned 2007 BMW 328 Convertible.
You have earned 2008 BMW 328 Convertible.

Anyhow, I will close with a few random screenshots and some fanart that I found interesting (from

What is the deal with this wacky bow?

woohoo sexy light elves!!