Monday, January 29, 2007

Once again around the block

I managed to make it to level 75 again, definitely easier this time in some respects since I have been playing a solo class and have the out of party buffer as well as not having to do those horrible class change quests.

Levelling from 73 to 75 has been more difficult as I have had many visitors of late- mec, epiphonia, solodrago, xlance, zuan, erupt, fur0bat, kianatrethedark, and toldoth have all been by to say hi to give me their personal opinions on what they think of all my PVE (basically all the lovetaps say "STFU noob, and die fighting something other than mobs for once"). I have been lucky so far that the only one who's oneshotted me is Devilhealer (but that's only a matter of time).

One member of Uprising has given me the distinction of being faster on the bsoe than anyone else so far in this war (I think this is probably the only challenge there is to killing me at the moment). That's also made these last two levels somewhat expensive...The only thing that offsets the cost is that the FOD quest yields a 120k adena reward for the vampire hearts, and ClanHall Bsoe's only cost 110k so it's almost even...if I can finish off 200 vamps before I have to bsoe it's pretty much a wash...I haven't made much money these last two levels.

So...all in all this puts me in an uncomfortable lose-lose situation with my clan and ally. Part of the reason I bsoe is because I know I'll die, but I dont mind losing the 0.50% all that much, but I feel bad because we lose the clan reputation points when I die. However, if I bsoe it is a poor reflection on my clan (the unmeasured type of reputation points), so either way I feel like I am making the clan look bad...I think I will have to have a discussion with Duff at some point to see if he would think it would be best for me to leave the clan before I embarass them more =/

"poof" (no measured clan rep points lost), or "gf" (clan rep points lost, but I die fighting) . . . bleh i'm so terrible. now that I've reached 75 again, I'm also finally noble! Thanks Dekciw for the hero shout and to everyone who sent a gz! It's been a long road to get here, and doing all this stuff during the war's made me SO Paranoid. When I went to port to the lake, I swore someone from UR would be there to kill me and keep me from nobling up. Whenever I hunt now I'm constantly doign 360s to see who's coming, it's almost like when you're playing counterstrike and you're learning a new map so you ramp that mouse sensitivity all the way up so you can just whip around and see everything.

Now to decide what to do...plow the bd or archer to 79 or take up a 2nd sub?

WTB lessons on how to play this game better... also WTB several pints of Guinness, St. Patty's day coming up soon!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Making some crystals, and some cash

I would post some more news from the frontlines of the war but- a) I'm only a minor player in the war not being uber enough to kill much more than a small fleet of elpies, and b) there's like 1.239218E+21303 posts about it on no need to be super redundant and make you read more than ya need.

So...with the remaining naked S grade weapons we have out there, we decided to go do a rift party last night since alot of us were tired and a new work week was beginning, and we wanted something easy and grabbed a bunch of level 12s and went to the hero rift. I'd begun to get a little disappointed with the rift because the last few times I'd been there I haven't had any luck in getting the raid boss, but finally on our second try we were able to. And also, we managed to get some nice random drops as well, so all in all best rift party I'd been to in a while.

Hey look what I made this weekend!

One piece down, 3 to you can see it doesn't look quite right with my DC gloves and DC boots.

Feel free to skip this next section if you don't want to read about my car babble which will come off sounding like a shameless plug for BMW.

In some of the non-Lineage stuff...My birthday is coming up soon, and the last couple of years I've noticed that I'm now closer to 40 than I am to 30...which in some ways isn't so bad, because now I can start to look for my midlife crisis car! Hop over to the BMW site and check out the The new BMW 3 Series Convertible which is slated for release later this year. It is a hardtop convertible like the new Volvo C70 that was released last year.

BMW also has a ton of really great delivery incentive programs with their cars. I'm thinking of possibly taking european delivery of the car...which means BMW will sell you the car at about $2000-$3000 off of the regular price (price reduction depends on model, it's like $4500 off if you buy a 7 series) , as well as spend like half a day helping you get acquainted with your car and then when you are done with the car you just drop the car off and BMW picks up the cost for shipping it back to the states for you. So, by taking euro delivery you save $2-3k on the price, you also save like $500 because you dont need to get a rental car when you're there because you have your new BMW, AND Lufthansa offers a 2 for 1 price deal for flights to Munich to pick up your car so it's like free airfare for your significant other, with all that factored in there's almost not reason to NOT plan a European vacation when leasing or purchasing a new BMW because all the incentives make the cost a wash.

If you're in the states, BMW also offers a performance center delivery option. Every new car purchase/lease is always packed with these miscellaneous of which is a "delivery fee". The delivery fee in this case can be used to ship the car to your local dealer, which is what usually is the case, or you can use the delivery fee to take delivery of your car at BMW's perofrmance center. If you choose to take perfomance center delivery at their plant in the Carolinas, you purchase a one way plane ticket down there, and you're picked up by BMW, in of course, a BMW. Your hotel and dinner are paid for by BMW for that evening, and the next day you're taken to the performance center where you're given an individual walkthru on all the documentation included with your vehicle as well as the vehicle itself. Afterwards you're taken to the track where you will get instruction usually from ex-racecar drivers on how to drive your car in all kinds of extreme don't actually drive your car, but one of BMW's's supposedly pretty fun where you get to do some really crazy stuff on their closed track.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Brothers in Arms

Sunday, January 14

Fight for Bartz

Ketra Orc Outpost, Bartz - A call to battle has been made on the Bartz server. The climate on the Bartz North American server has been heating up for quite sometime now. The current reigning regime, Uprising, has held the throne of Aden and most of Bartz for a significant period and has impressed their rule upon the population of Bartz. Their repressive and arrogant ways came to a head when they recently they claimed the Imperial Tomb and Four Sepulchers hunting grounds for their exclusive use, and began killing anyone not in Uprising who dared to venture within.

On Sunday, January 14, three of the major alliances of the Bartz server banded together to declare war on Uprising to fight for Bartz, to fight for what is right, to regain the server in the name of the people. Duff of The Damned, Tyrail of Nova, and Silvereye of Proven lead their clans and alliances forward into what will be a long and enduring battle of what has been called "epic" proportions.

Uprising, which once was a well respected and liked clan has become the server's most despised clan with a level of disgust comparable to that of the farmer clans Lord of Lords, Bloodsoul, and WowoRedFireTruck. Most people interviewed chose not to state their player names due to a reasonable fear of Uprising retribution. Most people will privately speak of them and refer to their arrogance and pompousness as their main motivations for war. Ironically, the Uprising Alliance which once fought for the same rights as everyone else on the server has now become that which they once fought against, they have become the establishment.

In either case, the times ahead will be very interesting and exciting for the community of Bartz. Go forth brave warriors of Bartz, fight Uprising, defeat them, and reclaim Bartz.

With that said, I close with a lyric which I personally will hold close during this war "...and with the power of conviction, there is no sacrifice, it's a do or die situation, we will be invincible..."

Sunday, January 14, 2007



Thursday, January 11, 2007

Plow Mode: ON!
