Once again around the block
I managed to make it to level 75 again, definitely easier this time in some respects since I have been playing a solo class and have the out of party buffer as well as not having to do those horrible class change quests.
Levelling from 73 to 75 has been more difficult as I have had many visitors of late- mec, epiphonia, solodrago, xlance, zuan, erupt, fur0bat, kianatrethedark, and toldoth have all been by to say hi to give me their personal opinions on what they think of all my PVE (basically all the lovetaps say "STFU noob, and die fighting something other than mobs for once"). I have been lucky so far that the only one who's oneshotted me is Devilhealer (but that's only a matter of time).
One member of Uprising has given me the distinction of being faster on the bsoe than anyone else so far in this war (I think this is probably the only challenge there is to killing me at the moment). That's also made these last two levels somewhat expensive...The only thing that offsets the cost is that the FOD quest yields a 120k adena reward for the vampire hearts, and ClanHall Bsoe's only cost 110k so it's almost even...if I can finish off 200 vamps before I have to bsoe it's pretty much a wash...I haven't made much money these last two levels.
So...all in all this puts me in an uncomfortable lose-lose situation with my clan and ally. Part of the reason I bsoe is because I know I'll die, but I dont mind losing the 0.50% all that much, but I feel bad because we lose the clan reputation points when I die. However, if I bsoe it is a poor reflection on my clan (the unmeasured type of reputation points), so either way I feel like I am making the clan look bad...I think I will have to have a discussion with Duff at some point to see if he would think it would be best for me to leave the clan before I embarass them more =/
"poof" (no measured clan rep points lost), or "gf" (clan rep points lost, but I die fighting) . . . bleh i'm so terrible.
Anyway...so now that I've reached 75 again, I'm also finally noble! Thanks Dekciw for the hero shout and to everyone who sent a gz! It's been a long road to get here, and doing all this stuff during the war's made me SO Paranoid. When I went to port to the lake, I swore someone from UR would be there to kill me and keep me from nobling up. Whenever I hunt now I'm constantly doign 360s to see who's coming, it's almost like when you're playing counterstrike and you're learning a new map so you ramp that mouse sensitivity all the way up so you can just whip around and see everything.

Now to decide what to do...plow the bd or archer to 79 or take up a 2nd sub?
WTB lessons on how to play this game better... also WTB several pints of Guinness, St. Patty's day coming up soon!

One member of Uprising has given me the distinction of being faster on the bsoe than anyone else so far in this war (I think this is probably the only challenge there is to killing me at the moment). That's also made these last two levels somewhat expensive...The only thing that offsets the cost is that the FOD quest yields a 120k adena reward for the vampire hearts, and ClanHall Bsoe's only cost 110k so it's almost even...if I can finish off 200 vamps before I have to bsoe it's pretty much a wash...I haven't made much money these last two levels.
So...all in all this puts me in an uncomfortable lose-lose situation with my clan and ally. Part of the reason I bsoe is because I know I'll die, but I dont mind losing the 0.50% all that much, but I feel bad because we lose the clan reputation points when I die. However, if I bsoe it is a poor reflection on my clan (the unmeasured type of reputation points), so either way I feel like I am making the clan look bad...I think I will have to have a discussion with Duff at some point to see if he would think it would be best for me to leave the clan before I embarass them more =/
"poof" (no measured clan rep points lost), or "gf" (clan rep points lost, but I die fighting) . . . bleh i'm so terrible.
Anyway...so now that I've reached 75 again, I'm also finally noble! Thanks Dekciw for the hero shout and to everyone who sent a gz! It's been a long road to get here, and doing all this stuff during the war's made me SO Paranoid. When I went to port to the lake, I swore someone from UR would be there to kill me and keep me from nobling up. Whenever I hunt now I'm constantly doign 360s to see who's coming, it's almost like when you're playing counterstrike and you're learning a new map so you ramp that mouse sensitivity all the way up so you can just whip around and see everything.

Now to decide what to do...plow the bd or archer to 79 or take up a 2nd sub?
WTB lessons on how to play this game better... also WTB several pints of Guinness, St. Patty's day coming up soon!