Friday, March 31, 2006

Blew One, Enhanced another

So...NCSoft, we all know how they giveth and they taketh away.

I've been grinding the two quests by FG and Devastated Castle now for a few weeks and finally managed to get enough mats and the rec to craft an a grade accessory. I was about to craft my first Majestic Earring. 70% rec, and POOFTIE! ZIP ZILCH NADA BUPKIS! oh well...what a pain.

So, I decided that I was just going to quit. Lemme blow my duals and be done with it, and what do you know....they made it to +11!! This completely made up for failing my 70% craft- woohoo!!! A new personal record for me. I know it's only a matter of time before they blow.


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