Been a mixed bag of a week to say the least. We're kind of at war with Stormbringers now over a pricing error on an item. An untagged toon named larson has been pk'ing our members out at FG lately, we've been having teams hunting Stormbringers people randomly as well.
Dusk Wins! Wow, there's a rarity. Thor seems to have done a ton of festivals and Dusk for the second time in my memory has control of the necros and catacombs.

In other news, I've maded level 66 this week. I also managed to bring my TSU*SLS back up to +10. I think I'm done enchanting now, 10 seems to be my limit before I blow things up. But it's a great place to be...with the +10s and the new dual sword masteries, this brings my buffed p.atk up over 1000!! woohoo! finally managed to break the ceiling!

It's been a pretty profitable week also. I spent some time in the rift, and at the level 70+ rifts with a bounty hunter you can spoil EWA Scrolls, which sell for 6-8m each. So when they went to bid at the end, each party member ended up making about 2m on this run. With the adena I ended up buying some additional letters for the L2day event. No ring of the ant queen, but I did get ALOT of scrolls. A few BSOE's and BREZ's, as well as the standard might/shield/emp/ww/focus/guidance/acu ones.
One night in Giran I also managed to see SEVEN (7) +16 or better weapons. The red glow was unmistakable. One dwarf had 3 of them, she was selling two and one was wielded, one c grade, and one d grade as well as the duals she had on her. I saw PlutoVII with his +16 homu again, another dwarf with shop using his red and two other random people just running around Giran with +16. I don't even see them in the field that often let alone seeing 7 of them within an hour.

[this image is a composite of two images...just displays better this way]
Dusk Wins! Wow, there's a rarity. Thor seems to have done a ton of festivals and Dusk for the second time in my memory has control of the necros and catacombs.

In other news, I've maded level 66 this week. I also managed to bring my TSU*SLS back up to +10. I think I'm done enchanting now, 10 seems to be my limit before I blow things up. But it's a great place to be...with the +10s and the new dual sword masteries, this brings my buffed p.atk up over 1000!! woohoo! finally managed to break the ceiling!

It's been a pretty profitable week also. I spent some time in the rift, and at the level 70+ rifts with a bounty hunter you can spoil EWA Scrolls, which sell for 6-8m each. So when they went to bid at the end, each party member ended up making about 2m on this run. With the adena I ended up buying some additional letters for the L2day event. No ring of the ant queen, but I did get ALOT of scrolls. A few BSOE's and BREZ's, as well as the standard might/shield/emp/ww/focus/guidance/acu ones.
One night in Giran I also managed to see SEVEN (7) +16 or better weapons. The red glow was unmistakable. One dwarf had 3 of them, she was selling two and one was wielded, one c grade, and one d grade as well as the duals she had on her. I saw PlutoVII with his +16 homu again, another dwarf with shop using his red and two other random people just running around Giran with +16. I don't even see them in the field that often let alone seeing 7 of them within an hour.

[this image is a composite of two images...just displays better this way]
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