Monday, July 16, 2007

OMG Sopel Succeeded a Craft/Dead Bloodsoul

Only people on Bartz will really appreciate this, everyone else just ignore it :)

(click for the larger image)

Also, we've lately been plagued by the current FOTM of farmer scum, Bloodsoul...So there was a little contention for Lilith tonight. And hey, look- we won (once again, click the image for fullsize image)


Blogger ten mohican said...

Lol i love killing farmers.

on the call to arms week, my WC raked up a ton of PKs on annoying 24/7 farmers that people were getting sick of on lionna. Was a good way to retire that char.

I just started playing on bartz because a few old friends started playing L2 again (quit early C3). I am just curious about some of the political atmosphere on bartz... as from official forums seems pretty hazy who is the dominant clans here. I jsut want to know who are some worthy people to clan war with.

8:41 PM  

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