Long time between posts!
Wow, it's been a while since I've last posted...so...let's see, where to start?
Aleena made 76 on subclass, so s grade/bluetag on both! She's now a Spectrattarius!

We also raided Frintezza the other night- drop list (following!)

Other than that not too much going on, been playing around on the PTS a little bit...wish there was a bit more content than just the island, but I think everyone will always feel that way no matter what comes out.
Lastly, we've left the Nova Alliance! Immediately after this raid we went back on our own due to some internal strife (kekekeke). Rockin out the old TD tag again!!
Aleena made 76 on subclass, so s grade/bluetag on both! She's now a Spectrattarius!

We also raided Frintezza the other night- drop list (following!)

Other than that not too much going on, been playing around on the PTS a little bit...wish there was a bit more content than just the island, but I think everyone will always feel that way no matter what comes out.
Lastly, we've left the Nova Alliance! Immediately after this raid we went back on our own due to some internal strife (kekekeke). Rockin out the old TD tag again!!
Is that the first time Frintezza has been down on Bartz? The drops are amazing! Congratulations on S Grade!
You make me want to go play offical L2 Aleena. XD
rowdy that was at least the second time Frintezza died on Bartz.
BTW great drop! Gratz! And Gratz on your lvl up, Aleena! :)
PS Wanna trade links? :)
Frintezza was first dropped on Bartz several months ago by Uprising (I think there was actually a news item about it on the main Lineage2.com site). Since then, once there was a strategy devised for how to drop Scarlet Van Halisha, she's been been dropping every 2-3 days.
She's downed on a fairly regular rotation, as is Baium, on Bartz.
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