Aleena's August
As August came to a close, it signalled the end of certain things. In the United States it symbolizes the end of summer with the coming of our Labor Day holiday, traditionally celebrated with parades and veterans rememberance, displays of the flag, as well as the end of wearing white shoes/skirts (the exception to the rule being "winter whites"). Anyhow, the end of August also end my short stint being hero, and I hope you will allow me to indulge myself a little further and post additional screenshots of stuff that's been going on with me on Bartz (sorry I don't have much "general lineage news" to post. Stratics, l2vault, l2warfare do a much better job covering that than I ever could).
It's been a very eventful month for me, in addition to being given hero I've been granted the priviledge of holding one of the clan's Baium Rings (see screenshot from previous post). During the course of the year I've turned in the Pagans quest about five or six times, and EVERY time I've received an Enchant Armor (S Grade) from the quest. This one last time, I finally got something different.

About time, imo!
Anyway, on my last day being hero I got some farmers killed one last time just because I could. Byebye cancel stick :( most fun weapon in the game!

And I very blatantly abused hero chat on my last day, I think if people could add an extra selection of what chat to see in their windows (i.e. general, shout, party, clan, alliance, trade, hero voice), they probably would've wanted to add one saying "aleena voice" so they could shut that off. However, I'm sure I added to alot of people turning off hero voice this month :) In either case, I do occasionally get PM's from people who read the blog and I never get a chance to post them, so here's a few who actually didn't absolutely HATE me being hero this month (and no, it's not me talking to myself on an alt!)

I get alot of grief in hero chat, especially from the heroes in my clan/alliance. So every few days I would get random PMs asking something along the lines of "why do all the other heroes hate you so much???". Well, to be honest I give them alot of ammunition to make jokes about, but I think (at least I hope), in my clan/alliance it's all in fun and I think that their comments are meant as such because for all the roleplaying and joking around I do in ally and herochat they're meant mainly as entertainment. Somepeople like to trashtalk and just be stupid in general, I roleplay sometimes to pass the time. At the end of the day it's all about what keeps you playing the game and keeps it interesting.
Lastly, we recently attempted a Valakas raid, which was aborted about an hour or so in. We were moving along at a good pace, however since we started the raid about 2 hours later than originally anticipated it began to infringe on alot of peoples' personal obligations and prior engagements so as we lost a number of key classes we were forced to cancel it. However, I still managed to get a few screenshots.

And my personal favorite:

That's it for now, thanks for visiting again!
It's been a very eventful month for me, in addition to being given hero I've been granted the priviledge of holding one of the clan's Baium Rings (see screenshot from previous post). During the course of the year I've turned in the Pagans quest about five or six times, and EVERY time I've received an Enchant Armor (S Grade) from the quest. This one last time, I finally got something different.

About time, imo!
Anyway, on my last day being hero I got some farmers killed one last time just because I could. Byebye cancel stick :( most fun weapon in the game!

And I very blatantly abused hero chat on my last day, I think if people could add an extra selection of what chat to see in their windows (i.e. general, shout, party, clan, alliance, trade, hero voice), they probably would've wanted to add one saying "aleena voice" so they could shut that off. However, I'm sure I added to alot of people turning off hero voice this month :) In either case, I do occasionally get PM's from people who read the blog and I never get a chance to post them, so here's a few who actually didn't absolutely HATE me being hero this month (and no, it's not me talking to myself on an alt!)

I get alot of grief in hero chat, especially from the heroes in my clan/alliance. So every few days I would get random PMs asking something along the lines of "why do all the other heroes hate you so much???". Well, to be honest I give them alot of ammunition to make jokes about, but I think (at least I hope), in my clan/alliance it's all in fun and I think that their comments are meant as such because for all the roleplaying and joking around I do in ally and herochat they're meant mainly as entertainment. Somepeople like to trashtalk and just be stupid in general, I roleplay sometimes to pass the time. At the end of the day it's all about what keeps you playing the game and keeps it interesting.
Lastly, we recently attempted a Valakas raid, which was aborted about an hour or so in. We were moving along at a good pace, however since we started the raid about 2 hours later than originally anticipated it began to infringe on alot of peoples' personal obligations and prior engagements so as we lost a number of key classes we were forced to cancel it. However, I still managed to get a few screenshots.

And my personal favorite:

That's it for now, thanks for visiting again!
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